玩转MAPI发送HTML邮件经验 2/25
A modified "data" URL for DeleGate which is prefixed with "/-/" to the original URL:SRC="/-/ AAAC8IyPqcvt3wCcDkiLc7C0qwyGHhSWpjQu5yqmCYsapyuvUUlvONmOZtfzgFz ByTB10QgxOR0TqBQejhRNzOfkVJ+5YiUqrXF5Y5lKh/DeuNcP5yLWGsEbtLiOSp a/TPg7JpJHxyendzWTBfX0cxOnKPjgBzi4diinWGdkF8kjdfnycQZXZeYGejmJl ZeGl9i2icVqaNVailT6F5iJ90m6mvuTS4OK05M0vDk0Q4XUtwvKOzrcd3iq9uis F81M1OIcR7lEewwcLp7tuNNkM3uNna3F2JQFo97Vriy/Xl4/f1cf5VWzXyym7PH hhx4dbgYKAAA7" ALT="Larry">
在火狐浏览器中可以直接使用下面的代码,IE不行(网上说的保存为MHT也不行)。SRC=" AAAC8IyPqcvt3wCcDkiLc7C0qwyGHhSWpjQu5yqmCYsapyuvUUlvONmOZtfzgFz ByTB10QgxOR0TqBQejhRNzOfkVJ+5YiUqrXF5Y5lKh/DeuNcP5yLWGsEbtLiOSp a/TPg7JpJHxyendzWTBfX0cxOnKPjgBzi4diinWGdkF8kjdfnycQZXZeYGejmJl ZeGl9i2icVqaNVailT6F5iJ90m6mvuTS4OK05M0vDk0Q4XUtwvKOzrcd3iq9uis F81M1OIcR7lEewwcLp7tuNNkM3uNna3F2JQFo97Vriy/Xl4/f1cf5VWzXyym7PH hhx4dbgYKAAA7" ALT="Larry">
Option Explicit
'需要引用Microsoft XML, v3.0
Private Function Encode(iArray() As Byte) As String
Dim iXml As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30
With iXml.createElement("Encoder")
.dataType = "bin.base64"
.nodeTypedValue = iArray()
Encode = .Text
End With
End Function
Private Function Decode(ByVal iStrbase64 As String) As Byte()
Dim strXML As String
strXML = "& Chr( 34) & "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes" & Chr(34) & " dt:dt=" & Chr(34) & "bin.base64" & Chr(34) & ">" & iStrbase64 & ""
With New MSXML2.DOMDocument30
.loadXML strXML
Decode = .selectSingleNode("DECODER").nodeTypedValue
End With
End Function
Public Function EncodeBase64(ByVal vsFullPathname As String) As String
'For Encoding BASE64
Dim b As Integer
Dim Base64Tab As Variant
Dim bin(3) As Byte
Dim s As String
Dim l As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim FileIn As Long
Dim sResult As String
Dim n As Long
'Base64Tab=>tabla de tabulaci髇
Base64Tab = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a
", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+", "/")
Erase bin
l = 0: i = 0: FileIn = 0: b = 0:
s = ""
'Gets the next free filenumber
FileIn = FreeFile
'Open Base64 Input File
Open vsFullPathname For Binary As FileIn
sResult = s & vbCrLf
s = ""
l = LOF(FileIn) - (LOF(FileIn) Mod 3)
For i = 1 To l Step 3
'Read three bytes
Get FileIn, , bin(0)
Get FileIn, , bin(1)
Get FileIn, , bin(2)
'Always wait until there're more then 64 characters
If Len(s) > 64 Then
s = s & vbCrLf
sResult = sResult & s
s = ""
End If
'Calc Base64-encoded char
b = (bin(n) \ 4) And &H3F 'right shift 2 bits (&H3F=111111b)
s = s & Base64Tab(b) 'the character s holds the encoded chars
b = ((bin(n) And &H3) * 16) Or ((bin(1) \ 16) And &HF)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = ((bin(n + 1) And &HF) * 4) Or ((bin(2) \ 64) And &H3)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = bin(n + 2) And &H3F
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
Next i
'Now, you need to check if there is something left
If Not (LOF(FileIn) Mod 3 = 0) Then
'Reads the number of bytes left
For i = 1 To (LOF(FileIn) Mod 3)
Get FileIn, , bin(i - 1)
Next i
'If there are only 2 chars left
If (LOF(FileIn) Mod 3) = 2 Then
b = (bin(0) \ 4) And &H3F 'right shift 2 bits (&H3F=111111b)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = ((bin(0) And &H3) * 16) Or ((bin(1) \ 16) And &HF)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = ((bin(1) And &HF) * 4) Or ((bin(2) \ 64) And &H3)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
s = s & "="
Else 'If there is only one char left
b = (bin(0) \ 4) And &H3F 'right shift 2 bits (&H3F=111111b)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = ((bin(0) And &H3) * 16) Or ((bin(1) \ 16) And &HF)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
s = s & "=="
End If
End If
'Send the characters left
If s <> "" Then
s = s & vbCrLf
sResult = sResult & s
End If
'Send the last part of the MIME Body
s = ""
Close FileIn
EncodeBase64 = sResult
End Function