每日一曲 - My Goodbye 5/21

《My Goodbye》是他08年新专《Brian Collection》中一首非常抒情的RNB!
大部分演艺界人都是先在本国大红大紫以后再跑国际上混,27岁的brian就是个例外。他的第一首单曲"loving you still"在德国空降排行榜第一,2004年底他很快与老家荷兰face-up唱片公司签约,只可惜这家公司不久就玩儿完了,留下brian形单影只无依无靠的。打了一堆的小零工之后,他为Do(vocalist on Dj Sammy & Yanou's classic "Heaven" remake)作了伴音而且又上了几档电视节目,又回到了他音乐事业的正轨上,开始了新的冒险。
这次他已羽翼丰满: 参加了一些面试之后,brian遇到了写歌人兼制作人Simon van Amerongen Anouk's "Sacrifice")。他们挺合得来,立刻就开始致力于几首歌的合作。其中一首就是朗朗上口的"do you think your heart is wrong?"。在那时,brian也开始了自己的创作,并写了很多歌,其中一首"flow"聪明地借鉴了snoop dogg的"drop it like it's hot",而且得以被录制。在"flow"的润色过程中对其进行了混音并增加了些声部和rap.最后这首歌竟有幸经制作人兼混音师Patrick Benoit(OranGeFuZzZ,曾参与Amber's "Voodoo", Destiny's Child's "Lose My Breath", Mary J. Blige's "Be Without You"制作)之手进行改良。brian也开始了为类似talpa的公司录制广告曲。
相当不赖: 对于一个17岁就决定从事歌唱事业的荷兰男生来说,这成绩一点儿也不赖。brian的字典里没有"一般"这个词。他是个完美主义者,总希望超越自己,做到尽善尽美,而且似乎他总能成功。
All I ever wanted was for love to stay
Baby hold me tight
Look into my eyes
Love has died
I know that this ain't right
I came to say goodbye
For the very last time
I never thought that I would feel this way
I'm still looking for the words to say
All I ever wanted was for love to stay
Right here in my arms, but you know
You know I'm not gonna be that strong
You know I can't keep on holding on and on
To what's gone, and now
You've been here loving me
I'll keep the memory, inside
But baby I've come down to my goodbye
My heart is filled with pain
Don't wanna play this game anymore, no no
Honey can't you see
You gotta set me free
'Cause I don't love you like before, no no
You know I hate to say it but you got me wrong
We've been going through with this for far too long
I know you got to thinkin' that you might belong
Right here in my arms, but you know
This time I'm not hangin' on to hope
This time I'm not gonna be the ghost
That haunts you home
You've been here loving me
I'll keep the memory, inside
But baby I've come down to my goodbye
You've been here loving me
I'll keep the memory, inside
But baby I've come down to my goodbye
You've been here loving me
I'll keep the memory, inside
But baby I've come down to my goodbye

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