每日一曲 - You do,you don't | 雨律在线



满都是忧伤的基调, 人变得沉默,透不上气。



  You do you dont时的感觉,没有撕心裂肺,没有歇斯底里,只有最纯粹的情感在主唱稍带磁性的声音中静静流淌,那一刻,心被揉碎了...

The first time I wont regret       第一次我不会后悔
One look into your eyes and I'll never forget  一旦凝视你的眼睛 我永生难忘
But you’re not about to jump right into This tonight      但你不会投入到今晚
Wondering just what to do        思忖着该做什么
Every single second in the room with you    和你在房间里的每一秒钟
I cant talk this over       我能好好谈谈这个
To win you over Here tonight       赢得今晚你的芳心
So open your eyes         睁开你的双眼
Don't say goodnight         不要道晚安
Wondering why         想知道为什么
Alone tonight         今晚独自一人
I'll just let it go for you      我为了你会不顾一切

I'm letting you down         我让你失望了
You are just hiding it so well        你隐藏得如此之好
You're giving me no sign       你不给我一点暗示
No interest            没兴趣
You don't really want this, you don't really want this 你不是真的想这样,你不是真的想这样
So right now           那么现在
Are you gonna try to save yourself     你会尝试拯救你自己么
I bet you're so sick     我肯定你是如此的厌倦
Of hearing it            听到它
You dont really want this, you dont really want this 你不是真的想这样,你不是真的想这样

So hard to get, is that what it's gonna be? 如此难得到,难道就是会成那样子吗?
Sitting down not even looking at me  坐下来,甚至都不看我一眼
I hope forever        我希望我永远
I won't remember          都不会记得
This tonight             今晚
So out the door         那么走出门
Gone away             离开
Running so fast through the pouring rain     在瓢泼大雨中快速奔跑
Gone forever           永远地离去
So much better          这样好得多
Here tonight          今晚此地

I'd throw it all away for you      我会为了你放弃一切
If you took another look you'd be back so soon 若你再看一眼,你很快就会回来
All alone, a dark cold night   独自一人,一个寒冷的黑夜
Wrapped around, you better hold on tight     最后,你最好继续矜持
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  • JiaJia 回应于2009/11/07 16:22 回复TA


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