每日一曲 - whole life | 雨律在线

  日语“ほら”,中文的“后来”,英文“whole life”
  不知道有没有人发现过,只有这样的黑夜,这样的声音实在无法听过就便了,而“long ago I was blind”那句,由耳直入心,直到怅然若失。

whole life the wonder such you bring the beauty
i can see but i keep deep inside on it
oh life i feel that i can bring it again
in the world where love will still remain

choose your words make them whys
many things have produced(?) where we are
i am here
here with you
close your eyes let love heal the sorrow
once again i feel in life
i'm sure of this insight
and i need you more than ever
life's told me so much more
feel stronger than before of this feeling stay here forever
long ago i was blind
i thought the love was so waste here to stay
but we walked all the way
and we said good bye
even though i knew i loved you still
suddenly you were gone and she was in your rounds
its picture i remember
i was lost could not be saved my life just ran away
i only wish that we could start over
but true love will find its way
now i love it seemed to stay
i lost it once and now i found the way to live again

oh life i wonder such you bring the beauty
i can see but i keep deep inside on it
oh life i feel that i can bring it again
in the world where love will still remain

but true love will find its way
now i love it seemed to stay
i lost it once now i found the way to live again

oh life the wonder such you bring the beauty
i can see but i keep deep inside on it
oh life i feel that i can bring it again
in the world where love will still remain
in the world where love will still remain

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  • JiaJia 回应于2009/03/23 23:23 回复TA

    这不是 刘若英 的《后来》吗?晕死,搞个英文版。

    barry 于 2009-3-24 21:45:52 回复


  • 2254 回应于2009/04/05 19:43 回复TA


    barry 于 2009-4-6 12:11:21 回复


    barry 于 2009-4-6 12:16:17 回复

    哦..对了,网上找的话要找Sophia Green 是她唱的。

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