本软件由 一起玩哟 出品
1、运行程序自动读取魔兽主程序 (auto read installed path)
2、更新了对魔兽1.26a的支持 (support Warcraft III 1.26a)
这是一个魔兽争霸永久显蓝工具( 魔法条 Show MP/ManaBars ),支持魔兽1.20a/e和1.24b/c/d/e和1.25b及最新的1.26a,只需一次补丁即可永远玩魔兽(DOTA、真三、澄海、信长、忍村)都有显蓝。支持目前的所有主流平台 浩方、VS、QQ、AA 等等...
* 本程序只需一次安装,即可永远使用。非常方便,值得收藏!
Software Fuction:
Show ManaBars in Warcraft III, support 1.20a/e and 1.24b/c/d/e and 1.25b and 1.26a version of Warcraft III. support Garena
* This procedure only once installed, you can always use.
WarMP 2.2 永久显蓝补丁版 (forever show manabars patch)

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Thank you
This seems to not work.
There some particular you have to install this other than just running the file and clicking install?
I also put in the same directory as war3.exe and installed it and still no luck.
Any ideas?
Sorry I don't understand, did you mean there aren't any particular way to install it? Just run the install exe file, And it should work?
oh, sorry, I will try again.
Do I put all the files in WarCraft 3 folder, then run program? I did this and it did not work.
thanks for the help,
I tried that and it still does not work for me.
No idea what is going on, another program probably based off yours also doesn't work.
Thanks for help again.
I managed to get another program simular to this one that requires you to put a mixtape file in the warcraft 3 folder. But I had to manually inject it as a dll file.
I tried that with this program but it didn't work I got errors.
So one way or the other I have to inject the file everytime I start warcaft 3.
As for my system,
I run windows 7 (64bit),
I have both 2008 and 2010 c++ visual redistributables(latest). And yes I did reinstall them.
I have the latest warcraft 3 patch(1.26a)
It is quite strange it doesn't work automatically.
Thx for WarMP! Its great. But with patch 1.26a in Garena Warcraft crush for error 'HACK USED!' I used warMP 2.2. How can i 'heal' it?
PS Sry for bad Eng.
Btw i see, that 2.2 *support Garena*, but i think that Garena Antihack *watch* WarMP/
Just wanted to say it works now no problems I couldn't figure out what my problem was so I re formated lol. It was getting too much on my nerves.
Thanks for everyones help.
能改 蓝条颜色吗?
原来可以用 现在打开魔兽的时候 就出现个对话框 写着不能用
gracias lo necesitaba.........
thank u so much for this tool!!!!
it really works and it sooooo awweeesssooommeee!!!
Still not working with Garena (say: "You are using hack...")
War3 Version: 1.24e
Windows 7 SP1
yeah.ive used it once on garena and they say "ure using hack bla bla bla ".
btw i use warcraft 1.24e version.
is there a solution 4 tis problem?