玩转MAPI发送HTML邮件经验 2/25
A modified "data" URL for DeleGate which is prefixed with "/-/" to the original URL:SRC="/-/ AAAC8IyPqcvt3wCcDkiLc7C0qwyGHhSWpjQu5yqmCYsapyuvUUlvONmOZtfzgFz ByTB10QgxOR0TqBQejhRNzOfkVJ+5YiUqrXF5Y5lKh/DeuNcP5yLWGsEbtLiOSp a/TPg7JpJHxyendzWTBfX0cxOnKPjgBzi4diinWGdkF8kjdfnycQZXZeYGejmJl ZeGl9i2icVqaNVailT6F5iJ90m6mvuTS4OK05M0vDk0Q4XUtwvKOzrcd3iq9uis F81M1OIcR7lEewwcLp7tuNNkM3uNna3F2JQFo97Vriy/Xl4/f1cf5VWzXyym7PH hhx4dbgYKAAA7" ALT="Larry">
在火狐浏览器中可以直接使用下面的代码,IE不行(网上说的保存为MHT也不行)。SRC=" AAAC8IyPqcvt3wCcDkiLc7C0qwyGHhSWpjQu5yqmCYsapyuvUUlvONmOZtfzgFz ByTB10QgxOR0TqBQejhRNzOfkVJ+5YiUqrXF5Y5lKh/DeuNcP5yLWGsEbtLiOSp a/TPg7JpJHxyendzWTBfX0cxOnKPjgBzi4diinWGdkF8kjdfnycQZXZeYGejmJl ZeGl9i2icVqaNVailT6F5iJ90m6mvuTS4OK05M0vDk0Q4XUtwvKOzrcd3iq9uis F81M1OIcR7lEewwcLp7tuNNkM3uNna3F2JQFo97Vriy/Xl4/f1cf5VWzXyym7PH hhx4dbgYKAAA7" ALT="Larry">
Option Explicit
'需要引用Microsoft XML, v3.0
Private Function Encode(iArray() As Byte) As String
Dim iXml As New MSXML2.DOMDocument30
With iXml.createElement("Encoder")
.dataType = "bin.base64"
.nodeTypedValue = iArray()
Encode = .Text
End With
End Function
Private Function Decode(ByVal iStrbase64 As String) As Byte()
Dim strXML As String
strXML = "& Chr( 34) & "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:datatypes" & Chr(34) & " dt:dt=" & Chr(34) & "bin.base64" & Chr(34) & ">" & iStrbase64 & ""
With New MSXML2.DOMDocument30
.loadXML strXML
Decode = .selectSingleNode("DECODER").nodeTypedValue
End With
End Function
Public Function EncodeBase64(ByVal vsFullPathname As String) As String
'For Encoding BASE64
Dim b As Integer
Dim Base64Tab As Variant
Dim bin(3) As Byte
Dim s As String
Dim l As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim FileIn As Long
Dim sResult As String
Dim n As Long
'Base64Tab=>tabla de tabulaci髇
Base64Tab = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a
", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "+", "/")
Erase bin
l = 0: i = 0: FileIn = 0: b = 0:
s = ""
'Gets the next free filenumber
FileIn = FreeFile
'Open Base64 Input File
Open vsFullPathname For Binary As FileIn
sResult = s & vbCrLf
s = ""
l = LOF(FileIn) - (LOF(FileIn) Mod 3)
For i = 1 To l Step 3
'Read three bytes
Get FileIn, , bin(0)
Get FileIn, , bin(1)
Get FileIn, , bin(2)
'Always wait until there're more then 64 characters
If Len(s) > 64 Then
s = s & vbCrLf
sResult = sResult & s
s = ""
End If
'Calc Base64-encoded char
b = (bin(n) \ 4) And &H3F 'right shift 2 bits (&H3F=111111b)
s = s & Base64Tab(b) 'the character s holds the encoded chars
b = ((bin(n) And &H3) * 16) Or ((bin(1) \ 16) And &HF)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = ((bin(n + 1) And &HF) * 4) Or ((bin(2) \ 64) And &H3)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = bin(n + 2) And &H3F
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
Next i
'Now, you need to check if there is something left
If Not (LOF(FileIn) Mod 3 = 0) Then
'Reads the number of bytes left
For i = 1 To (LOF(FileIn) Mod 3)
Get FileIn, , bin(i - 1)
Next i
'If there are only 2 chars left
If (LOF(FileIn) Mod 3) = 2 Then
b = (bin(0) \ 4) And &H3F 'right shift 2 bits (&H3F=111111b)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = ((bin(0) And &H3) * 16) Or ((bin(1) \ 16) And &HF)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = ((bin(1) And &HF) * 4) Or ((bin(2) \ 64) And &H3)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
s = s & "="
Else 'If there is only one char left
b = (bin(0) \ 4) And &H3F 'right shift 2 bits (&H3F=111111b)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
b = ((bin(0) And &H3) * 16) Or ((bin(1) \ 16) And &HF)
s = s & Base64Tab(b)
s = s & "=="
End If
End If
'Send the characters left
If s <> "" Then
s = s & vbCrLf
sResult = sResult & s
End If
'Send the last part of the MIME Body
s = ""
Close FileIn
EncodeBase64 = sResult
End Function
QQ群发器 2/25
Option Explicit
Public Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100
Public Const WM_KEYUP = &H101
Const WM_CLOSE = &H10
Private Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Private Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" _
(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long
Declare Function SendMessageA Lib "user32" (ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _
ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Public Declare Function PostMessage Lib "user32" Alias "PostMessageA" (ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hWnd1 As Long, ByVal hWnd2 As Long, ByVal lpsz1 As String, ByVal lpsz2 As String) As Long
Public Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" (ByVal Hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long
Public Const GW_HWNDFIRST = 0 '第一个
Public Const GW_HWNDNEXT = 2 '下一个
Public Const WM_USER = &H400
Public Const CF_TEXT = 1
Const BM_CLICK = &HF5
Public Type QQWindowHwnd
WindowHwnd As Long
TxtHwnd As Long
SendButtonHwnd As Long
CloseButtonHwnd As Long
End Type
Public Type repastespecial
dwAspect As Long
dwParam As Long
End Type
Private QQpath As String
Public QQExePath As String
Public Sub main()
QQpath = getQqPath
If QQpath = "" Then
QQpath = InputBox("请填写QQ的安装路径", "QQ路径", "N")
End If
If QQpath = "N" Then End
QQExePath = QQpath & "timwp.exe " + "Tencent://Message/?Menu=YES&Exe=&Uin="
End Sub
Private Function getQqPath() As String '获取QQ注册表路径
Dim ret, lenData, hKey As Long
Dim sValue As String
Dim name As String
sValue = Space(255)
Const REG_SZ = 1&
lenData = 255
name = "Install"
ret = 1
ret = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\Tencent\QQ", hKey)
If ret = 0 Then '正确返回0,不正确返回错误编号
ret = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, name, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal sValue, lenData)
ret = InStr(1, sValue, "QQ\")
getQqPath = Left(sValue, ret + 2)
End If
ret = RegCloseKey(hKey)
End Function
Public Function FindQQ(ByVal Hwnd As Long) As Long
Dim strName As String * 255
Dim className As String * 255
Dim Q_hwnd As Long
Q_hwnd = GetWindow(Hwnd, GW_HWNDFIRST)
Do While Q_hwnd <> 0
GetWindowText Q_hwnd, strName, 255
GetClassName Q_hwnd, className, 255
If ((InStr(strName, "聊天中") > 0) or (InStr(strName, "会话中") > 0)) And (InStr(className, "#32770") > 0) Then
FindQQ = Q_hwnd
Exit Function
End If
Q_hwnd = GetWindow(Q_hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)
End Function
Public Function getQQHwnd(ByVal Hwnd As Long) As QQWindowHwnd
Dim tmphwnd As Long
getQQHwnd.WindowHwnd = FindWindowEx(Hwnd, 0, "#32770", vbNullString)
tmphwnd = FindWindowEx(getQQHwnd.WindowHwnd, 0, "Afxwnd42", vbNullString)
tmphwnd = FindWindowEx(getQQHwnd.WindowHwnd, tmphwnd, "afxwnd42", "")
getQQHwnd.TxtHwnd = FindWindowEx(tmphwnd, 0, "richedit20A", vbNullString)
getQQHwnd.SendButtonHwnd = FindWindowEx(getQQHwnd.WindowHwnd, 0, "button", "发送(&S)")
getQQHwnd.CloseButtonHwnd = FindWindowEx(getQQHwnd.WindowHwnd, 0 ="#000000">, "button", "关闭(&C)")
End Function
Public Sub SendQQMessage(ByRef QQhwnd As QQWindowHwnd, ByVal sTText As String)
SendMessageA QQhwnd.TxtHwnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, ByVal sTText
SendMessageA QQhwnd.SendButtonHwnd, BM_CLICK, 0, ByVal 0
SendMessageA QQhwnd.CloseButtonHwnd, BM_CLICK, 0, ByVal 0
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private delayNum As Long
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Shell QQExePath & Text1.Text
Call delay(10)
Dim QQhwnd As Long
QQhwnd = FindQQ(Me.Hwnd)
Dim x As QQWindowHwnd
x = ModConst.getQQHwnd(QQhwnd)
SendQQMessage x, Text2.Text
End Sub
Private Sub delay(ByVal sTime As Long)
delayNum = sTime
Timer1.Enabled = True
Loop While Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Static I As Integer
I = I + 1
If I > delayNum Then
I = 0
Timer1.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
VB 实现汇编的比较成熟的类 2/25
对于那个 clsASM, 我只能说: 很好, 很强大~
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Function Float2Int(Ans As Single) As Long '浮点转整形
CopyMemory Float2Int, Ans, 4
End Function
Sub Call_RunTO(dx As Single, dy As Single, dz As Single, dm As Long)
Dim asm As New clsASM '自动寻路
With asm ' asm
.Pushad ' pushad
.Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr &H90664C ' mov eax,[&H90664C]
.Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add &H8 ' mov eax,[eax+&H8]
.Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add &H88 ' mov eax,[eax+&H88]
.Push dm ' mov eax,[base]
.Mov_EAX Float2Int(dx) ' mov eax, x
.Mov_DWORD_Ptr_EAX &H908A88 ' mov [&H908a88], eax
.Mov_EAX Float2Int(dz) ' mov eax, z
.Mov_DWORD_Ptr_EAX &H908A8C ' mov [&H908a8c], eax
.Mov_EAX Float2Int(dy) ' mov eax, y
.Mov_DWORD_Ptr_EAX &H908A90 ' mov [&H908a90], eax
.Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr &H90664C ' mov eax, dword ptr [&H90664C]
.Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add &H28 ' mov eax, dword ptr [eax+&H28]
.Lea_EAX_DWORD_EAX_Add &H3C ' lea eax, dword ptr [eax+&H3c]
.Push &H908A88 ' push &H908a88
.Push_EAX ' PUSH eax
.Mov_ECX &H902AF0 ' mov ecx, &H90664C
.Mov_EAX &H42ABF0 ' mov eax, &H42abf0
.Call_EAX ' Call eax
.Popad ' popad
.ret ' ret
End With ' end
asm.Run_ASM h
End Sub
Sub Call_TAB()
Dim asm As New clsASM 'TAB
With asm ' asm
.Pushad ' pushad
.Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr &H902B3C ' mov eax,dword ptr ds:[&H902b3c]
.Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add &H1C ' mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+&H1c]
.Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add &H28 ' mov eax,dword ptr ds:[eax+&H28]
.Mov_ECX_EAX ' mov ecx, eax;
.Push 0 ' push 0
.Mov_EBX &H45F590 ' mov ebx,&H45F59
.Call_EBX ' call EBX
.Popad ' popad
End With ' end
asm.Run_ASM h
End Sub
Sub Call_Attack()
Dim asm As New clsASM '普通攻击
With asm ' asm
.Pushad ' pushad
.Mov_EAX &H5A1F70 ' Mov EAX,&H5A2170
.Call_EAX ' call pointer(eax)
.Popad ' popad
End With ' end
asm.Run_ASM h
End Sub
以下为 clsASM.cls 内容:
Option Explicit
Private Decla
re Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function WriteProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Any, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nSize As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateRemoteThread Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpThreadAttributes As Any, ByVal dwStackSize As Long, lpStartAddress As Long, lpParameter As Any, ByVal dwCreationFlags As Long, lpThreadId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function VirtualFreeEx Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpAddress As Any, ByVal dwSize As Long, ByVal dwFreeType As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function VirtualAllocEx Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpAddress As Any, ByVal dwSize As Long, ByVal flAllocationType As Long, ByVal flProtect As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib "user32" Alias "CallWindowProcA" (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long
Const MEM_COMMIT = &H1000
Const MEM_RELEASE = &H8000
Const MEM_DECOMMIT = &H4000
Dim OPcode As String
Function Get_Result() As String
Dim i As Long
ReDim AsmCode(Len(OPcode) / 2 - 1) As Byte
For i = 0 To UBound(AsmCode)
AsmCode(i) = CByte("&H" & Mid(OPcode, i * 2 + 1, 2))
Get_Result = CallWindowProc(VarPtr(AsmCode(0)), 0, 0, 0, 0)
End Function
Function Get_Code() As String
Get_Code = OPcode
End Function
Function Run_ASM(pid As Long) As Long
Dim i As Long, tmp_Addr As Long, RThwnd As Long, h As Long
ReDim AsmCode(Len(OPcode) / 2 - 1) As Byte
For i = 0 To UBound(AsmCode)
AsmCode(i) = CByte("&H" & Mid(OPcode, i * 2 + 1, 2))
h = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, pid)
tmp_Addr = VirtualAllocEx(h, ByVal 0&, UBound(AsmCode) + 1, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)
WriteProcessMemory h, ByVal tmp_Addr, ByVal VarPtr(AsmCode(0)), UBound(AsmCode) + 1, ByVal 0&
RThwnd = CreateRemoteThread(h, ByVal 0&, 0, ByVal tmp_Addr, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&)
VirtualFreeEx h, tmp_Addr, UBound(AsmCode) + 1, MEM_RELEASE
CloseHandle RThwnd
CloseHandle h
OPcode = ""
End Function
Function Int2Hex(Value As Long, n As Long) As String '高地位互换
Dim tmp1 As String, tmp2 As String, i As Long
tmp1 = Right("0000000" + Hex(Value), n)
For i = 0 To Len(tmp1) / 2 - 1
tmp2 = tmp2 + Mid(tmp1, Len(tmp1) - 1 - 2 * i, 2)
Next i
Int2Hex = tmp2
End Function
Function Leave() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "C9"
End Function
Function Pushad() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "60"
End Function
Function Popad() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "61"
End Function
Function Nop() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "90"
End Function
Function Ret() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "C3"
End Function
Function RetA(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + Int2Hex(i, 4)
End Function
Function IN_AL_DX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "EC"
End Function
Function TEST_EAX_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "85C0"
End Function
Function Add_EAX_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "03C2"
End Function
Function Add_EBX_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "03D8"
End Function
Function Add_EAX_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "0305" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Add_EBX_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "031D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Add_EBP_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "032D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Add_EAX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "05" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Add_EBX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "83C3" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Add_ECX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "83C1" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Add_EDX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "83C2" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Add_ESI(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "83C6" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Add_ESP(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "83C4" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Call_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FFD0"
End Function
Function Call_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FFD3"
End Function
Function Call_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FFD1"
End Function
Function Call_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FFD2"
End Function
Function Call_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FFD2"
End Function
Function Call_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FFD4"
End Function
Function Call_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FFD5"
End Function
Function Call_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FFD7"
End Function
Function Call_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FF15" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Call_DWORD_Ptr_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FF10"
End Function
Function Call_DWORD_Ptr_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FF13"
End Function
Function Cmp_EAX(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "83F8" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "3D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Cmp_EAX_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "3BC2"
End Function
Function Cmp_EAX_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "3B05" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Cmp_DWORD_Ptr_EAX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "3905" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Dec_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "48"
End Function
Function Dec_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "4B"
End Function
Function Dec_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "49"
End Function
Function Dec_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "4A"
End Function
Function Idiv_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "F7F8"
End Function
Function Idiv_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "F7FB"
End Function
Function Idiv_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "F7F9"
End Function
Function Idiv_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "F7FA"
End Function
Function Imul_EAX_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "0FAFC2"
End Function
Function Imul_EAX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "6BC0" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
End Function
Function ImulB_EAX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "69C0" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Inc_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "40"
End Function
Function Inc_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "43"
End Function
Function Inc_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "41"
End Function
Function Inc_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "42"
End Function
Function Inc_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "47"
End Function
Function Inc_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "46"
End Function
Function Inc_DWORD_Ptr_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FF00"
End Function
Function Inc_DWORD_Ptr_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FF03"
End Function
Function Inc_DWORD_Ptr_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FF01"
End Function
Function Inc_DWORD_Ptr_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FF02"
End Function
Function JMP_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FFE0"
End Function
Function Mov_DWORD_Ptr_EAX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "A3" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EAX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "B8" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EBX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "BB" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_ECX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "B9" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EDX(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "BA" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_ESI(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "BE" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_ESP(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "BC" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EBP(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "BD" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EDI(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "BF" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B1D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B0D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "A1" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B15" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_ESI_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B35" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_ESP_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B25" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EBP_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B2D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B00"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B4500"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B03"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B01"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B02"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B07"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B0424"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B06"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B40" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B80" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B4424" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B8424" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B43" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B83" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B41" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B81" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B42" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B82" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
e = OPcode + "8B47" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B87" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B45" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B85" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B46" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B86" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B58" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B98" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B5C24" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B9C24" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B5B" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B9B" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B59" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B99" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B5A" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B9A" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B5F" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B9F" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B5D" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B9D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B5E" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B9E" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add(i As Long "#000000">) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B48" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B88" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B4C24" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B8C24" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B4B" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B8B" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B49" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B89" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B4A" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B8A" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B4F" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B8F" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B4D" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B8D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B4E" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B8E" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B50" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B90" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B5424" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B9424" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B53" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B93" + Int2Hex(i, 8 "#000000">)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B51" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B91" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B52" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B92" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B57" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B97" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B55" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B95" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8B56" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8B96" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B18"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B5D00"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B1B"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B19"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B1A"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B1F"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B1C24"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B1E"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B08"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B4D00"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B0B"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B09"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B0A"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B0F"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B0C24"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B0E"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B10"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B5500"t color="#0000FF">End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B13"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B11"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B12"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B17"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B16"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8B1424"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BC5"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BC3"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BC1"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BC7"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BC2"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BC6"
End Function
Function Mov_EAX_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BC4"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BDD"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BD8"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BD9"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BDF"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BDA"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BDE"
End Function
Function Mov_EBX_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BDC"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BCD"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BC8"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BCB"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BCF"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BCA"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BCE"
End Function
Function Mov_ECX_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BCC"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BD5"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BD3"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BD1"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BD7"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BD0"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BD6"
End Function
Function Mov_EDX_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BD4"
End Function
Function Mov_ESI_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BF5"
End Function
tion Mov_ESI_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BF3"
End Function
Function Mov_ESI_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BF1"
End Function
Function Mov_ESI_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BF7"
End Function
Function Mov_ESI_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BF0"
End Function
Function Mov_ESI_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BF2"
End Function
Function Mov_ESI_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BF4"
End Function
Function Mov_ESP_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BE5"
End Function
Function Mov_ESP_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BE3"
End Function
Function Mov_ESP_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BE1"
End Function
Function Mov_ESP_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BE7"
End Function
Function Mov_ESP_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BE0"
End Function
Function Mov_ESP_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BE2"
End Function
Function Mov_ESP_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BE6"
End Function
Function Mov_EDI_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BFD"
End Function
Function Mov_EDI_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BF8"
End Function
Function Mov_EDI_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BFB"
End Function
Function Mov_EDI_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BF9"
End Function
Function Mov_EDI_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BFA"
End Function
Function Mov_EDI_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BFE"
End Function
Function Mov_EDI_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BFC"
End Function
Function Mov_EBP_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BDF"
End Function
Function Mov_EBP_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BE8"
End Function
Function Mov_EBP_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BEB"
End Function
Function Mov_EBP_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BE9"
End Function
Function Mov_EBP_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BEA"
End Function
Function Mov_EBP_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BEE"
End Function
Function Mov_EBP_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "8BEC"
End Function
Function Push(i As Long) As Long
'If i <= 255 Then
'OPcode = OPcode + "6A" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "68" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
'End If
End Function
Function Push_DWORD_Ptr(i As Long) As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "FF35" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End Function
Function Push_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "50"
End Function
Function Push_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "51"
End Function
Function Push_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "52"
End Function
Function Push_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "53"
End Function
Functionont color="#000000">Push_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "54"
End Function
Function Push_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "55"
End Function
Function Push_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "56"
End Function
Function Push_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "57"
End Function
Function Lea_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D40" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D80" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D43" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D83" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D41" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D81" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D42" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D82" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D46" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D86" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D40" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D80" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D4424" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D8424" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EAX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D47" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D87" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D58" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D98" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D5C24" olor="#000000">+ Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D9C24" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D5B" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D9B" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D59" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D99" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D5A" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D9A" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D5F" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D9F" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D5D" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D9D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EBX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D5E" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D9E" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D48" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D88" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D4C24" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D8C24" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D4B" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D8B" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D49" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D89" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If t>i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D4A" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D8A" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D4F" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D8F" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D4D" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D8D" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_ECX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D4E" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D8E" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EAX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D50" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D90" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_ESP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D5424" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D9424" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EBX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D53" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D93" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_ECX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D51" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D91" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EDX_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D52" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D92" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EDI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D57" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D97" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Lea_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_EBP_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D55" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D95" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Funct
Function Lea_EDX_DWORD_Ptr_ESI_Add(i As Long) As Long
If i <= 255 Then
OPcode = OPcode + "8D56" + Int2Hex(i, 2)
OPcode = OPcode + "8D96" + Int2Hex(i, 8)
End If
End Function
Function Pop_EAX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "58"
End Function
Function Pop_EBX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "5B"
End Function
Function Pop_ECX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "59"
End Function
Function Pop_EDX() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "5A"
End Function
Function Pop_ESI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "5E"
End Function
Function Pop_ESP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "5C"
End Function
Function Pop_EDI() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "5F"
End Function
Function Pop_EBP() As Long
OPcode = OPcode + "5D"
End Function
VB 模拟鼠标滚轮事件 2/25
Option Explicit
Public Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = &H8000 ' absolute move
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN = &H2 ' left button down
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP = &H4 ' left button up
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEDOWN = &H20 ' middle button down
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP = &H40 ' middle button up
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = &H1 ' mouse move
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN = &H8 ' right button down
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP = &H10 ' right button up
Public Const MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL = &H800
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Timer1.Interval = 5000
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To 100
mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, 0, 0, 10, 0
For i = 0 To 100
mouse_event MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL, 0, 0, -10, 0
End Sub
Written By Microsoft MVP: Eric DeBrosse
In this article, I will explain how to save a screen shot from a Visual Basic 6 Direct3D8 application. This could be difficult to figure out on your own, since the VB SDK documentation does not mention the SaveSurfaceToFile method of the D3DX8 class. One thing that seems to cause confusion is the SrcPalette parameter. Even if you are not using indexed colors, you must still pass an un-initialized PALETTEENTRY structure to the SaveSurfaceToFile function. Passing Nothing will cause the function to fail.
Have a look at a simple function:
Public Sub SaveScreenShot(ByVal sFilename As String)
Dim oSurface As Direct3DSurface8
Dim SrcRect As RECT
'get display dimensions
g_oDevice.GetDisplayMode DispMode
'create a surface to put front buffer on,
'GetFrontBuffer always returns D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8
Set oSurface = g_oDevice.CreateImageSurface(DispMode.Width, _
DispMode.Height, _
'get data from front buffer
g_oDevice.GetFrontBuffer oSurface
'we are saving entire area of this surface
With SrcRect
.Left = 0
.Right = DispMode.Width
.Top = 0
.Bottom = DispMode.Height
End With
'save this surface to a BMP file
g_oD3DX.SaveSurfaceToFile sFilename, _
oSurface, _
SrcPalette, _
End Sub
The above function assumes g_oDevice is a valid Direct3DDevice8 object and g_oD3DX is a valid D3DX8 object.
First, we need to get the dimensions of the screen. If we were to use the GetViewport method to get the dimensions, it would fail on a device created with the D3DCreate_PUREDEVICE flag. Since GetFrontBuffer() always needs an image surface the size of the screen, (even when in windowed mode) the GetDisplayMode method is used and should not be an issue with pure devices.
Next, we create a new surface using the dimensions of our screen. The surface should be created using the D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 format, because the GetFrontBuffer method always returns this format; regardless of the current back buffer format. We are using the GetFrontBuffer method to capture our screen shot, since it is the only way to capture anti-aliased output. The final call to SaveSurfaceToFile writes the entire captured surface to the specified bitmap file.
Notes: This function does not check for any errors! You should always set up some kind of error trap in any DirectX application, it makes it so much easier to debug. You could, for instance, validate the path and filename before actually trying to save the file. The function could also be easily modified to return a result code.
Vista 下以管理员权限运行程序 2/25
1、在Vista里, 你可以用鼠标右击某个应用程序(例如cmd.exe), 再选择"Run As Administrator"(在旧版本里是"Run Elevated")来以管理员权限运行它.
2、在程序(或其快捷方式)的属性Compatibility中选择Run this program as an administrator来运行
下面的C#代码会以管理员权限运行c:\test\script.cmd, 当然你会看到一个UAC对话框, 让你确认.
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
startInfo.Arguments = "/c c:\\test\\script.cmd";
startInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
startInfo.Verb = "RunAs";
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo = startInfo;
C/C++里, 可用ShellExecute或ShellExecuteEx, 把lpOperation/lpVerb设成"RunAs"就可
xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false"/>
另附微软官方UAC编程文档:(Windows Vista Application Development Requirements for User Account Control CompatibilityWindows Vista Application Development Requirements for User Account Control Compatibility)
[最强] 获取类模块中指定的函数地址 2/25
类模块中指定的函数地址,于是... 你不得不绕到模块中,通过动态调用的方式实现回调函数,比起 SetWindowLong xxx,xxx,any proc address
简直太费脑筋了,而且很多新手还不能理解这种编程思路.也无法应用, 有些汇编高手开始从对象的底层做起一步一步的探索找到了 Thunk 的
Private Function GetClassProcAddress(ByVal SinceCount As Long) As Long
' VB6 历史上最简单的获取类中指定函数地址的函数诞生了,can be get address of property to value ,too
Dim i As Long, jmpAddress As Long
CopyMemory i, ByVal ObjPtr(Me), 4 ' get vtable
CopyMemory i, ByVal i + (SinceCount - 1) * 4 + &H1C, 4 ' 查表
CopyMemory jmpAddress, ByVal i + 1, 4 ' 获取的函数地址实际还是一个表,是一个跳转表
GetClassProcAddress = i + jmpAddress + 5 ' 计算跳转相对偏移取实际地址
End Function
类模块中指定的函数地址 = GetClassProcAddress( 第几个函数 )
oo" 代码很少... 他能行吗? 没问题... 找到指定的函数地址是没问题的...
参数 SinceCount , 是从某个类模块中最顶端的函数或属性算起,他是第几个函数
1. 当被查找的函数为 公用函数时,它的值就是自顶端算起的第几个函数,比如你在类模块中最顶端写的一个公用函数 WndProc,那么就传 1
如果是第2个公用函数或属性那么就传 2 依次... 注意,计算的时候要算上公用属性,公用属性也要算上,当他是函数,算做一个
2. 当被查找的函数为 局部函数时,也就是说如果是 Private 修饰的函数,则此参数值为 所有公用函数个数 + 这是第 N 个私有函数
对象是什么? 对象实际就是一个结构,VB,甚至 C++ 都不一定能让你真正深刻的理解最底层的对象构造,如果说 VB 能让你懂得什么叫继承
则 C++ 能让你知道对象还可以变异....对象原来是那么简单实现了那么高级的技术
那么,在返回到 VB,ObjPtr 可以得到对象的 vTable 指针,通过查询 vTable 就可以得到我们想要的函数指针,前提是我们要知道编译器是
按照什么样的顺序放置属性函数指针的,现在经过查询资料和测试,已经知道了,那就是 基址 + &H1C 所谓的基址其实就是vTable, &H1C就
是VB给结构添加的和必要的函数指针所占用的空间, 从vTable+&H1C 开始存储我们的函数地址,存储顺序如何,可以参照上面对 GetClassProcAddress
的参数 SinceCount 的解释.VB 把所有模块都单独的建立了一个表,每个表中又有单独的表表示他所包含的函数地址.
很不幸的我要说,直接应用价值基本 = 0 , 郁闷啊... 为什么呢? 因为... 对象的函数他的第1个参数是vTable指针,第2个(暂时忘了,想起来再补)
于是你构造的函数有4个参数,但编译后该函数将有6个参数,那如果直接交给别人用,比如 APi 那还不出事吗...
会出事,但又不是不能弥补,加上少量的内嵌汇编代码,从新构造一个小函数,就可以完美的运行了,o... 还是很不错的选择
说了很多, 我也累了,就先打住了,总结起来,就是成功的用最简单的代码获取了类模块中指定的函数地址,从这个角度来说此文应该还是一精华文章吧?
等我有时间了,我会将弥补的汇编函数和 GetClassProcAddress 相结合,构造一个最简单化的代码,实现真正的类模块回调函数

SQL查询分析器 - VBS强大版 2/24
if (lcase(right(wscript.fullname,11))="wscript.exe") then
echo "Execute it under the cmd.exe Plz! Thx."
echo "code by lcx"
end If
if wscript.arguments.count<1 then
echo "Usage: cscript sql.vbs showTables e:\hytop.mdb或sql:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=localhost;User ID=sa;Password=haiyangtop;Database=bbs;"
echo "usage: cscript sql.vbs query 连接字符串 <表名=default:""""> sql语句 <页数=default:1>"
echo "exp:cscript sql.vbs showTables "&Chr(34)&"sql:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=localhost;User ID=sa;Password=haiyangtop;Database=bbs"&Chr(34)
echo "exp:cscript sql.vbs query "&Chr(34)&"sql:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=localhost;User ID=sa;Password=haiyangtop;Database=bbs"&Chr(34)&Space(1) &Chr(34)&Chr(34)&Space(1)&Chr(34)&"select * from name"&chr(34)&Space(1) & 1
echo "exp:cscript sql.vbs query "&Chr(34)&"sql:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=localhost;User ID=sa;Password=haiyangtop;Database=bbs"&Chr(34)&Space(1) &Chr(34)&Chr(34)&Space(1)&Chr(34)&"update....."&chr(34)&Space(1) & 1
echo "exp:cscript sql.vbs query "&Chr(34)&"sql:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=localhost;User ID=sa;Password=haiyangtop;Database=bbs"&Chr(34)&Space(1) &Chr(34)&Chr(34)&Space(1)&Chr(34)&"exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'net user ice hacker /add'--"&chr(34)&Space(1) & 1
end If
Sub chkErr(Err)
If Err Then
echo "错误: " & Err.Description & "错误源: " & Err.Source & vbcrlf
End If
End Sub
Sub echo(str)
wscript.echo str
End Sub
Function fixNull(str)
If IsNull(str) Then
str = " "
End If
fixNull = str
End Function
Sub showErr(str)
Dim i, arrayStr
arrayStr = Split(str, "$$")
echo "出错信息:"&vbcrlf
For i = 0 To UBound(arrayStr)
echo (i + 1) & ". " & arrayStr(i) & "
echo vbcrlf
End Sub
Rem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Rem 下面是程序模块选择部分
Rem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Sub pageMsDataBase()
Dim theAct, sqlStr
theAct = Wscript.Arguments(0)
sqlStr = Wscript.Arguments(1)
Select Case theAct
Case "showTables"
Case "query"
End Select
End Sub
Sub showTables()
Dim conn, sqlStr, rsTable, rsColumn, connStr, tablesStr
sqlStr = Wscript.Arguments(1)
If LCase(Left(sqlStr, 4)) = "sql:" Then
connStr = Mid(sqlStr, olor="#800080">5)
connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=" & sqlStr
End If
Set conn = CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
conn.Open connStr
tablesStr = getTableList(conn, sqlStr, rsTable)
echo tablesStr & "================================================="
Do Until rsTable.Eof
Set rsColumn = conn.OpenSchema(4, Array(Empty, Empty, rsTable("Table_Name").value))
echo rsTable("Table_Name") &vbcrlf
Do Until rsColumn.Eof
echo "字段名:" & rsColumn("Column_Name")&vbclrf
echo "类型:" & getDataType(rsColumn("Data_Type")) & vbclrf
echo "大小:" & rsColumn("Character_Maximum_Length") & vbclrf
echo "精度:" & rsColumn("Numeric_Precision") & vbclrf
echo "允许为空:" & rsColumn("Is_Nullable") & vbclrf
echo "默认值:" & rsColumn("Column_Default") & vbclrf&vbclrf
echo vbcrlf
echo "==============================================================="
Set conn = Nothing
Set rsTable = Nothing
Set rsColumn = Nothing
End Sub
Sub showQuery()
Dim i, j, rs, sql, page, conn, sqlStr, connStr, rsTable, tablesStr, theTable
sqlStr = Wscript.Arguments(1)
theTable = Wscript.Arguments(2)
If Not IsNumeric(page) or page = "" Then
page = 1
End If
If LCase(Left(sqlStr, 4)) = "sql:" Then
connStr = Mid(sqlStr, 5)
connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=" & sqlStr
End If
Set rs = CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
Set conn = CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
conn.Open connStr
tablesStr = getTableList(conn, sqlStr, rsTable)
echo "数据库表结构查看:"
echo tablesStr & "========================================================"
echo ">SQL命令执行及查看<:"&vbcrlf
If sql <> "" And Left(LCase(sql), 7) = "select " Then
rs.Open sql, conn, 1, 1
rs.PageSize = 20
If Not rs.Eof Then
rs.AbsolutePage = page
End If
If rs.Fields.Count>0 Then
echo "SQL操作 - 执行结果"&vbcrlf
echo "===================="&theTable&"列名如下========================================"
For j = 0 To rs.Fields.Count-1
echo rs.Fields(j).Name & vbcrlf
For i = 1 To 20
If rs.Eof Then
Exit For
End If
For j = 0 To rs.Fields.Count-1
echo fixNull(rs(j))& vbcrlf
End If
echo "================================================================="
echo " 共有"&rs.Fields.Count&"列" & vbcrlf
For i = 1 To rs.PageCount
t>echo " 共有" & page & "页"
If sql <> "" Then
echo "执行完毕!"&vbcrlf
End If
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
Set rsTable = Nothing
End Sub
Function getDataType(typeId)
Select Case typeId
Case 130
getDataType = "文本"
Case 2
getDataType = "整型"
Case 3
getDataType = "长整型"
Case 7
getDataType = "日期/时间"
Case 5
getDataType = "双精度型"
Case 11
getDataType = "是/否"
Case 128
getDataType = "OLE 对象"
Case Else
getDataType = typeId
End Select
End Function
Function getTableList(conn, sqlStr, rsTable)
Set rsTable = conn.OpenSchema(20, Array(Empty, Empty, Empty, "table"))
echo "存在以下表名:"
Do Until rsTable.Eof
getTableList = getTableList & "["& rsTable("Table_Name") & "]"&vbcrlf
End Function